• info@uctc.edu.bd
  • 01707-508080

Research Output

Research Output

Peer-reviewed High-indexed International Journals
[1]Ali, M. H., Uddin, M. A., Khan, M.A.R., & Goud, B. (2020). Faith based vs Value based finance: Is there a portfolio diversification benefit between Responsible and Islamic finance?. International Journal of Finance and Economics (ISI, SCOPUS & Wiley) (Accepted on 18th June, 2020 )
[2] Uddin, M. A., Ali, M. H., & Masih, M. (2020). Bitcoin- a hype or digital gold? Global evidence. Australian Economic Papers (ISI, SCOPUS & Wiley) (Accepted on 2nd April, 2020 ) DOI: 10.1111/1467-8454.12178
[3] Uddin, M.A., Hoque, M.E., & Ali, M. H. (2020). International Economic Policy Uncertainty and Stock Market Returns of Bangladesh: Evidence from Linear and Nonlinear Model. Quantitative Finance and Economics, 4(2), 236-251. (ESCI & Aims Press) DOI: 10.3934/QFE.2020011
[4] Uddin, M. A. & Ahmad, A. U. F (2020). Conventional Futures: Derivatives in Islamic Law of Contract. International Journal of Law and Management. (SCOPUS, ESCI & Emerald) (Accepted on 15th March, 2020 ) DOI: 10.1108/IJLMA-10-2017-0242
[5] Uddin, M. A., Ali, M. H., & Masih, M. (2020). Institutions, human capital, and economic growth in developing countries. Studies in Economics and Finance. (SCOPUS, ESCI & Emerald) (Accepted on 7th February, 2020 ) DOI: 10.1108/SEF-10-2019-0407
[6] Ali, M. H., Uddin, M. A., Chowdhury, M. A. F., & Masih, M. (2019). Cross-country evidence of Islamic portfolio diversification: are there opportunities in Saudi Arabia?. Managerial Finance, 45(1), 36-53. (SCOPUS, ESCI & Emerald) https://doi.org/10.1108/MF-03-2018-0126
[7] Uddin, M. A., Ali, M. H., & Radwan, M. (2019). Can GDP Growth Link Instrument Be Used For Islamic Monetary Policy?. European Journal of Islamic Finance, (13). (EBSCO, ERIH PLUS and DOAJ) http://dx.doi.org/10.13135/2421-2172/3543
International Conference Papers
[1] Uddin, M.A., Azizi, B.N., Ali, M.H. Can Waqf play a role in achieving Sustainable Development Goals for Bangladesh? 4th UIU-International Conference on Sustainable Development(ICSD), held on February 18-19, 2020 at UIU, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
[2] Rahman, A., Munia, M.B, Uddin, M.A. External Debt Management and Sustainable Economic Growth: A Bangladesh Perspective, 4th UIU-International Conference on Sustainable Development(ICSD) 2020, held on February 18-19, 2020 at UIU, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
[3] Begum, S., Uddin, M.A., Alam, SMS. Is Compulsive Buying an Impediment to Sustainable development? A Maqasid al Shari’ah perspective, 4th UIU-International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD) 2020, held on February 18-19, 2020 at UIU, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
[4] Uddin, M.A., Ali, M.H., Hossain, M.S., Masih M., Bitcoin and Portfolio Diversification: Islamic vs Conventional Equity, 10th International Conference on Financial Criminology (ICFC 2019) held on December 7-8, 2019, at UIU Campus, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
[5] Uddin, M.A., Haque, M. E., & Ali, M.H., Does global economic policy uncertainty impact stock market return of Bangladesh? 13th International Conference on Business Innovation for Inclusive Development (ICBIID 2019) held on October 26-27, 2019, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
[6] Rahman, A. A Systematic Review on Comprehensive Corporate Reporting: Integrated Reporting Perspective, 13th International Conference on Business Innovation for Inclusive Development (ICBIID 2019) held on October 26-27, 2019, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
[7] Uddin, M.A., Ali, M.H., & Masih, M. The Moderating Effect of Institutions on Human Capital and Economic Growth Nexus: Global Evidence, 13th BMEB International Conference and Call for Papers "Maintaining Stability, Strengthening Momentum of Growth Amidst High Uncertainty in The Digital Era" held on August 29-30, 2019, Bali, Indonesia (Fully funded by the Bank Indonesia Institute)
Chapters in edited books
[1] Uddin, M.A., Saiti, B., Masih, M., (2020). Are Finance and Human Development Important for Economic Growth? International Evidence from Dynamic GMM Approach. In: Handbook of Analytical Studies in Islamic Finance and Economics. DeGruyter (forthcoming )
[2] Uddin, M.A., Ahmad, A.U.F., El Morabit, F., (2020). Is Interest Rate as a Monetary Policy Instrument Appropriate for OIC Countries? In: Corporate Governance, Banking Industry and Monetary Policy – An Islamic Perspective, Emerald (forthcoming)
[3] Uddin M.A. (2019). Islamic Monetary Economics: Insights from the Literature. In: Zulkhibri M., Abdul Manap T., Muneeza A. (eds) Islamic Monetary Economics and Institutions. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-24005-9_3