Submit a report
Student success, safety, and wellbeing are a priority at University of Creative Technology, Chittagong (UCTC)
If you are experiencing an issue that impacts your ability to succeed at UCTC, please let us know by submitting a report. The Student Affairs Division is ready to help you.
The Student Affairs Division (SAD) can provide assistance and support in the following areas.
- • Academic Concerns (advising, attendance, grade appeals, reinstatement to UCTC)
- • Administrative Concerns (financial aid concerns, appeals, drop/add issues)
- • Behavior Concerns (disruptive behavior in class, sudden behavior change, possible conduct policy violations)
- • Bias Concerns (harassment and discrimination)
- • Personal Concerns (relationship or family issues, adjustment to UCTC)
- • Wellness Concerns (class attendance, mental health)